Safety & Wellness

The City of Pendleton holds in high regard the safety, welfare, and health of our employees.

Every reasonable effort shall be made to maintain a safe working environment. No job will be considered so important and no order so urgent that we cannot take time to perform our work safely. All employees play a role in keeping us safe by understanding the rules and communicating to their supervisor when these rules are outdated, ineffective or unclear.

The Safety Manual will be used as a tool for more effective safety and claims management.

A Safety Committee has been established to coordinate the safety programs and assist in promoting safe working conditions. Safety orientation for new and transferred employees, timely and appropriate training, management/employee Safety Committee, an active self-inspection program, proper mechanical guards, and personal protective equipment will be some of the tools used to maintain a safe work environment.

If you have any questions about our safety policy, rules, or programs please contact your Department supervisor or the Administrative Services Officer. The City Manager will receive the minutes from the Safety Committee meetings and will take an active role in ensuring that our safety program is effective.

By accepting this mutual responsibility to operate safely, we will all contribute to the well-being of one another and subsequently our organization.

Wellness Policy