Crime Prevention and Public Information

The following Internet websites offer valuable information on crime prevention, Neighborhood Watch programs and other government agencies providing service to the public.


Child Safety

Contains information about the dangers of children using the internet. Rules, advice, and tips relating to Internet activities.

Safe Kids Worldwide is the first and only international nonprofit organization dedicated solely to preventing unintentional childhood injury. It focuses on one specific problem: more children 1 to 14 die from accidents such as motor vehicle crashes, fires, drowning, poisoning and falls than any other cause. Accidents kill one million children each year around the world and permanently disable many more. And almost all of these injuries are preventable.


Domestic Violence

Are you a victim of domestic violence, or think you know a victim of violence? Check out this website for valuable information on domestic violence issues. Take a quiz: How is your relationship? Find hotline numbers and information on how to file a protection order plus what you need to know about the effect of domestic violence on children.


Drug Disposal

Do you have unused or unwanted prescriptions in your household?  Check out this website for information on how to properly discard unused or unwanted Prescription Drugs. A reminder that the Pendleton Police Department also has a Drug disposal box located in the front entrance.


FirstGov is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services. It is the catalyst for a growing electronic government, helping citizens navigate through the bureaucracy of government red tape. At FirstGov you can apply for benefits online, contact a government agency, or use the Internet's most comprehensive search of government websites - all from one easy location.


Identity Theft

Learn how to minimize your risk or recover from identity theft with the Federal Trade Commission's top guide.


ReadyGov is a common sense framework designed to launch a process of learning about citizen preparedness. One of the primary mandates of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is to educate the public, on a continuing basis, about how to be prepared in case of a national emergency – including a possible terrorist attack.


Sex Offender Registries